Rolled Oats

GRINO packaged products

  • We offer products in collective cartons on pallets and in packages up to 5 kg for the Horeca industry
  • Weight (packaging)
    • Net Weight
      400 g
  • We offer products in collective cartons on pallets and in packages up to 5 kg for the Horeca industry
  • Weight (packaging)
    • Net Weight
      500 g


Rolled Oats/Oat flakes are made from oats. Mountain flakes are created when the peeled grain undergoes an additional grinding process before crushing. The flakes will then be finer and quicker to prepare. Oat flakes are primarily high in fiber and protein, as well as a wealth of vitamins – they contain vitamins from the B, E, PP groups, as well as magnesium and phosphorus, which have a beneficial effect on our body. They are the main ingredient of traditional oatmeal, and are also used in cakes and desserts.